Masterclass of the I2I expert, Dr. Guillermo Wolff at the II Autogas Forum

Autogas: the ECO alternative of today for transport

Last 12th June took place in Palacete de los Duques de Pastrana the II Autogas (LPG) Forum. This conferencere was organized by the “Fundación de la Energía de la Comunidad de Madrid” and Cluster Autogas, which is formed by Autogas operators, vehicle manufacturers, component manufacturers and research centres, with the aim of promotion of this alternative fuel.

The conference was full of interest, with representation of the Administration (Ministry of Industry, IDAE), operators such as Repsol and Disa, renting companies such as Northgate, car manufacturers such as Opel and Fiat, and R&D companies having projects related to engines for Autogas such as Begas, Evarm and Ircongas. All of them emphasized the “sweet” momentum that Autogas is now having. Now it is a real alternative, but it will also be necessary in the future, because it is considered as ECO fuel, for its minimal emissions, that allows cars fuelled with Autogas to go into the city centre in Madrid and other cities in case of pollution episodes.

It is important, as well, to highlight the role our company, Ideas2Invoices, had in the conference, as shown by the presentation given by Guillermo Wolff, PhD., energy consultant of Ideas2Invoices, about the current situation of the LPG vehicles technology, their challenges and, also, its great advantages over the traditional fuels.

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