The O&G Conference (OGC) was held October 7, within the framework of WORLD MARITIME WEEK (WMW), an international meeting of the maritime sector, organized by the Bilbao Exhibition Center (BEC). The scientific secretariat of the OGC has been led by Ideas2Invoices (I2I), for which we thank the BEC for the trust placed in I2I.
With the recent IPCC report, sustainability of the current and forecasted energy mix is a major issue. For this reason, the O&G industry opportunities to support the energy transition in the coming decades, creating medium and long-term value, based on respect for the environment, were analyzed at the OGC Conference.

At the OGC Conference, some key issues related to the analysis and trends of the energy sector, the transition of Oil&Gas companies towards multi-energy services, respectful with the environment, as well as the current situation and the keys to the energy transition were discussed, with the decarbonization target, through the “Net Zero” emissions commitment.
To address the objectives set out above, the OGC Conference had top international experts, representing leading companies and organizations in the energy sector, such as: Aker Solutions, Boston Consulting Group, Enagas, IDOM, Repsol, Research and Innovation Center on CO2 and Hydrogen- UNIV. de KHALIFA, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and Technip Energies.
We want to underline and recognize the international leadership in the energy sector of the speakers, for their magnificent contributions, in which they highlighted the main current international engineering projects, as well as the new technologies that are being developed to achieve a sustainable and competitive energy transition. For this reason, we convey our most sincere thanks to all of them: Angel Alejandre (Technip), Kamel Bennaceur (SPE), Ana García (IDOM), Juan Carlos Latasa (IDOM), Antón Martinez (ENAGAS), Alex de Mur (BCG), Truls Normann (Aker), Pilar Sanz Gozalo (Repsol) and Lourdes Vega (Univ. Khalifa).
The speakers of each session deepened on their presentations topics during the two round tables of debate, answering the interesting questions from the audience and the moderators. Finally, Professor Pedro Luis Arias made a splendid summary of the day, highlighting the most significant issues of it.
It is possible to obtain more information about the OGC Conference by consulting the Program on the BEC website. You can also find in the following link some of the presentations of the WMW event, within which are included those corresponding to the OGC.
I2I is a “boutique” type energy consultancy, with a high level of experience and professional trajectory in the energy sector, sustainable mobility, circular economy, as well as in the industrial environment, offering, among other services, advice, and organizational skills to support related events with those themes.
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