The transformation of the concept “The lab is our world” by “The world is our lab” has meant the opening of the corporation’s borders to the external talent, as a great power support to the company’s innovative agenda.
However, the challenges in all sectors are increasingly complex, and for that reason it is increasingly necessary to develop open collaborative innovation projects, both on the developers and on the corporation’s side. This type of innovation involves joining forces and complementary capacities, promoting co-development, while sharing risks on the way to the best solutions to sectoral and/or societal challenges.
Experience shows that open collaborative innovation initiatives are gaining ground, and it is becoming easier to find examples in different sectors that manifest common interests in the pursued objectives.
In the energy and water sector, global energy companies have joined efforts with water, retail, banking, TI and manufacturing companies. Instead of finding obstacles in the possible competition of companies in the same sector, many advantages have been identified by working collaboratively, given that in addition to diluting the risk in complex projects, complementary capabilities and different approaches to the resolution of the same problem are provided, which enhances the network effect and promotes a clear increase in the probability of success.
Another clear example can be found in the sector of payments with mobile devices, collaborating payment companies, banks, phone manufacturers and developers of mobile applications.
In our opinion, the future of open innovation goes through this type of collaborative initiatives.
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